Get out of the past and experience the love you desire.
Discover the love you have longed for!


This site contains the core teachings of Loving Sober™.

Loving Sober™ is the result of more than 30 years of intensive work with others in personal transformation. The work provided in the Loving Sober™ Program is Conscious Relationship Guidance.

Discover a new path to intimacy, a new way of communicating and a pragmatic set of actions that will help you build the foundation for a new experience of each other.

Adell Shay passed beyond our sight and hearing August 15, 2022.

Loving Sober provided a foundation for us to meet the challenges we faced with dignity and grace.

Want to stop fighting with your partner and start having more fun?

Now that you’re in recovery, you can have the relationship you’ve always dreamed of. It’s simple. You just need to learn how. That’s what Loving Sober is all about..

Loving Sober Program

In twelve sessions you will learn a pragmatic set of actions that allow you to be the partners you have always dreamed of being. The 10 Non Negotiables are vibrant, effective tools that can be learned and will impact all your relationships in a loving, positive way. Experience the joy of True Spiritual Intimacy.

Though it is helpful to have a foundation in a 12-step program, it is not necessary, nor is this in any way 12 step work or affiliated with any 12 step program.

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Bring your relationship out of the past. Start having fun with each other again!

Meet Jay Stinnett

Jay Stinnett has led more than 50 retreats and relationship workshops for men, women and couples throughout the US and Europe. He has also given spiritually-based presentations to hundreds of thousands worldwide.

If you would like Jay to privately guide you through Loving Sober’s 12 week program, facilitate a weekend or week long Loving Sober™ retreat for your group, or speak at your event, feel free to contact him.


Loving Sober book is available FREE to anyone who wishes to improve his or her relationships, especially, a love relationship. No part of this book may be copied or posted without permission of the author.

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Feel free to reach out! I’m always open to new opportunities, collaborations, and interesting conversations.

Customer Reviews

Adell Shay

“While directed toward a marital relationship , Jay’s book provides excellent guidance for all relationships , whether in the home, workplace or any organization . It provides a roadmap for Sanity for anyone engaged in any adult relationship.”

Matt Ima

“Looking forward to rereading the book on my iPad and sending people to this site! Congratulations and blessings for sharing your work.”

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